The perks of working in a shared workspace is that you’re surrounded with positive and creative people. This helps in maintaining your productivity level. You are also bound to be more energetic and creative in and out of work. However, everyone have their bad days and as a remote worker, it is hard to battle it alone. What more when you push these negative vibes, people around you are likely to be affected too.
To fight away these feelings, here are some pointers to turn your frown the other way round. As the sayings goes when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Weighing Your Options
The crucial part of making the most of your work is by being healthy. Health is not only about keeping fit but having a well-balanced meal. This is what helps improves your mental state at work. Packing the right nutritious snack or lunch is a great excuse to take a break from your busy schedule.
Keep An Exercise Planner
You can keep it simple by having a weekly schedule or more detailed one by scheduling daily activities. Pick days that you can squeeze a workout and if you’re not an early riser, do it before lunch as it will make your meals taste much more divine. Evenings are fine but you tend to put it off as there are too many distractions throughout the day.
Moreover, you can also do a food diary. This way you can count your calories, watch what you eat and create your own menus everyday of the week.
Build It Into Your Day
Multitask. Do something you enjoy at work daily. Mixing pleasurable tasks with your everyday boring workload will help you feel less like doing a chore. Instead of having coffee or lunch meetings, prioritise and do something active that keeps you moving, active and heart rate up.
Have a daily To – Do list. Prioritise and schedule your daily activities. Keep your desk and workload neat and tidy so you’ll know where everything is and it conserves your time. Furthermore, by being organised, you plan ahead of time and take a load off your shoulder. Once you checked off that list, you will feel accomplished and satisfied bringing in a sense of discipline and a well work – life balance.
Keep It Simple
It doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t require you to spend an hour or more exercising. You do not have to keep a long list. Your meals do not have to extravagant. It only involves you being active and to keep your blood flowing, muscles working and heart pumping.
Every day is an adventure filled with exciting new opportunities and challenges which requires you to stay on top. Motivation, health and dynamics are essential to keep your business up.
Making time for you is making time for success.
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